Get PAID After a Truck Accident

The People's Warrior

Let us Fight For Your Financial Rights After a Commercial Truck Accident Injury – Learn More Below

Dallas Truck Accident Attorneys

North Texas has exploded with population and developments. From Dallas all the way up to Frisco and Prosper, it’s booming in Texas. This means more trucks, big rigs, and 18-wheelers sharing the road with passenger vehicles. In fact, per NSC (a nationwide information tacking company) Texas has the most trucking accidents, and fatal accidents, in the USA.

Trucking plays a huge role in the economy, guaranteeing everyday goods are shipped across the nation efficiently, but with the growing number of 18-wheelers/big rigs on the streets, accidents involving trucks have become a growing concern for trucking companies.

Every year, there are thousands of accidents involving trucks varying from minor accidents to deadly accidents. Due to the size of 18 wheelers and the weight they normally are carrying usually lead to accidents that have significant property damage but also many times lead to serious injuries as well. These trucking companies need to carry significant insurance and at The Glen Law Firm, we know how to handle each and every insurance company there is. Contact us today if you or someone you know have been involved in a accident with a commercial trucking company.

Types of Crashes Our Dallas Car Truck Attorneys Represent

At The Glenn Law Firm, our experienced staff of attorneys and legal support team knows how to handle every type of truck accident you may have been involved in. We will look into the trucking license, the trucking logs as to how long the driver has been driving that day and days prior to your accident, and the insurance that is being carried by the driver and their company.

Dealing with cooperate insurance can be difficult and can create many headaches in your life. At The Glen Law Firm we know each and every facet of cooperate insurance and know how they operate. We can traverse each facet of you claim and make sure you are getting the highest amount of compensation you can receive. At The Glenn Law Firm, we are not afraid to take on the large conglomerate insurance companies .

18-Wheeler Accidents

With an increase in shipped goods from companies such as Amazon, Temu, and eBay, the amount of 18 Wheelers on the road have increased drastically. Per there has been a increase in truck/18 Wheeler accidents by 26% from 2020 to 2021 nationwide and will only continue to grow.

Semi truck accidents account for over 50% of fatal accidents on the highway and road. Also per 6.7% of Large Truck Accidents Involved Drunk Driving or Driver Intoxication, 13% of Large Truck Accidents Involved Bad Weather Conditions, 79.6% of Large Truck Accidents Occurred in the Daytime, 7.3% of Fatal Large Truck accidents Involved Speeding, 5,788 of Deaths Occurred Due to Large Truck Accidents in 2021, 26.6% of Fatal Large Truck Accidents Were at an Intersection or Were Intersection Related and Texas is the most dangerous with ​​568 deadly truck crashes


Big Rig Crashes

Big rig crashes are a large concern in the United States with all the shipping needs all over the country. In 2021, 5,700 18 wheelers were involved in a fatal crash, which is a  18% increase from 2020 and a 49% increase over the past decade.. In a recent accident in Dallas, an 18-wheeler fell off an overpass and burst into flames, killing the driver and injuring multiple other drivers as well.

In 2022, 5,837 large trucks were involved in a deadly accident which is almost a 2% increase from 2021 and a 49% increase over the past 10 years. The involvement rate per 100 million 18 wheeler miles traveled has increased almost over 3% from 2021, and up 24% in the past decade. Large trucks are categorized as any medium or heavy truck, with a truck weight rating greater than 10,000 pounds. Both commercial and non-commercial vehicles are included.

FedEx Truck Accidents

Per FedEx has 600,000 employees would rank as the 20th largest labor force in the world, ahead of countries like Taiwan, Romania, and Chile. Its fleet of 700+ cargo aircraft is the largest of any airline, with 100+ more planes than the next closest rival UPS.

In the fiscal year 2022, FedEx moved an average of 16.5 million packages per business day, or over 6 billion annually. That‘s nearly one package for every human on Earth! Its integrated network spans 5,000 facilities across 6 continents, with 39 major global hubs anchoring operations.

UPS Accidents

UPS delivered 6.3 billion packages and documents in 2020 on its own and the quatity has only grown since then. That means the amount of UPS trucks on the road has and will continue to grow at a very fast rate. With more trucks on the road will lead to additional accidents and  injuries related to these heavy trucks. UPS carries a high amount of insurance from companies who do not want to pay out any type of large settlements. At The Glen Law Firm, we know exactly how to handle these types of claims and will get you the largest compensation you can get.

UPS drivers might be overworked, or drive for too many hours in a day or week causing a increase in truck and large vehicle accidents. These accidents with such large vehicle more often then not, cause bodily injuries that will need treatment from a medical professional and will require substantial recovery time. You or your loved one should focus on recovery while The Glen Law Firm deals with the insurance company and the process in which to obtain the largest amount of compensation you are entitled to.

Mail Truck and United States Postal Service Wrecks

 On average USPS is involved in over 26,000 accidents a year. With Dallas being a large metropolitan hub, the amount of USPS accidents are greater than the majority of places in the United States. USPS cars, vans and trucks are federal insured which is not a problem for The Glen Law Firm to deal with. There are many hoops and loop holes to jump through, especially when dealing with the federal government, but the experienced staff at The Glen Law Firm, knows exactly how to deal with cases like this. If you have sustained property damage or even bodily injuries from a accident with USPS, contact us immediately as we can guide you every step of the way with you claim.

The USPS, in contrast to privately owned cars and trucks, and is a  self-insure company. USPS are exempt from state requirements for car and truck insurance, which means they do not carry standard insurance on any of their cars or trucks.

Trash Trucks

We all have seen little boys and girls obsessed with seeing the garbage truck show up to your house to take away your waste, but did you know that these trucks can cause a great of risk and damage if operated incorrectly. Due to the size of  garbage trucks, with a heavy payload and substantial blind spots, a accident could easily occur if the garbage truck driver is not paying extreme care or caution while operating the vehicle.. Some of the most common causes of garbage truck accidents include not seeing other vehicles in their blind spots of issues maneuvering the truck in tight spaces.

Garbage truck companies typically carry a vast amount of different types of insurance ranging from Liability Insurance, Medical Payments Insurance, Physical Damages Insurance, Physical damage insurance Uninsured/Underinsured Insurance Uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance, In addition to these four main categories of garbage truck insurance there is also Rental, Towing, Trailer Interchange, and Accessories Insurance. No matter the type of insurance, or insurance company, The Glen Law Firm will handle all you needs related to a garbage truck accident.

Types of Injuries Commercial Truck Accident Victims Often Face

When two passenger vehicles collide the results can be devastating. However, when a smaller vehicle is struck by a much larger and heavier vehicle, the injuries sustained are too often catastrophic. Our job at the Glenn Law Firm is to help accident injury victims bounce back after a commercial truck accident. Here’s a list of some of the types of injuries victims face.

Traumatic Brain Injury from a Truck Accident

Due to the sheer size and mass of a track or 18 Wheeler, the percentage of sustaining a traumatic injury, including brain or spinal injuries is much higher than a typical car accident. An 18-wheeler consists of a tractor and trailer. If a 18 wheeler is empty, the  weight of an 18-wheeler is 35,000 pounds, and if it is carrying goods and cargo it cannot not more than 80,000 pounds.

Even the slightest mistake or miscalculation by the driver if a 18 wheeler can lead to a catastrophic injury including broken bones and even brain injuries that may or may not be life altering. The effects of a brain injury may not only effect your future, but it may effect the future of your loved ones and friends. If you or someone you know have been involved in a accident with a commercial truck/18 wheeler, contact The Glen Law Firm today in order to start your recovery process and start the process of recovery the largest financial compensation you can receive.

Broken Bones for a Truck Accident

With the weight and inertia an 18 wheeler carries, it is not uncommon for there to be substantial injuries to a person or people who are involved in a accident with a 18 wheeler. Many of these accidents result in soft tissue injuries and even worse many of them result in broken bones. Some of the most common broken bones sustained in a truck accident are, broken arms, legs, ribs, hips, skull fractures, fractured vertebrae and various neck injuries. Public Liability Insurance, Bodily injury, and Property Damage insurance. The minimum insurance requirement of trucks 10,000 pounds or under is $300,000 and $750,000 for non hazardous trucks weighing over 10,000 pounds. When getting involved in transporting hazardous materials, can exceed insurance coverage of $5,000,000.

Being involved in a accident with a 18 wheeler can lead to life altering changes and can be a complex claim to navigate. These commercial trucking companies can have deep pockets to pay corporate attorneys in order to pay you or your loved one as little as possible. At The Glen Law Firm, we have dealt with every insurance company and know how to respond to each and every tactic the insurance company throws our way, in order to get you the highest compensation you deserve while you focus on your recovery. Give us a call today for a evaluation of your claim. 

Back, Spinal Cord, and Neck Injuries

Truck accidents can be some of the most severe accidents someone can be in. Due to the size and payload of mist trucks, they can lead to significant accidents and injuries. Broken bones and fractures of your spine can be modest injuries that just need rest and time to heal or they can lead to spinal cord injuries that can lead to physical, emotional and life-changing impairments. Your spine is very susceptible to fractures and breaks when involved in a car accident due to the sudden and incredible pressure put on your upper body. A spine break can happen when your body gets swiftly jerked (whiplash) in one direction and then back again. This can lead to a compression fracture/break along the spinal column. A serious and direct blow to the spine can cause major damage to the spinal cord and nerves in the area. Attack or spinal injury it is imperative that you contact The Glen law firm so we can connect you with our Dallas based back and spine specialist and that we can start the process with the insurance company to maximize your monetary awards.

Neck pain and discomfort is one of the common symptoms you may experience after a car accident most commonly caused by whiplash. Pain and discomfort from a car accident involving the neck area can vary from mild to severe and may last for a few days and go away after some rest or could be a sign of a serious injury. You experience severe neck pain due to a car accident you need to seek immediate medical attention. If you have been in a car accident and you have mild neck pain you should still seek a physical examination from a medical professional in order to ascertain if your injury requires medical attention. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms such as aching of the upper back or shoulders, trouble sleeping, hypersensitivity of the neck and upper back, or spasms in the muscles of your neck and upper back you seriously need to consider consulting with a medical professional. At The Glen law Firm we have a network of highly skilled medical professionals that will help relieve your pain and identify what’s injury you have sustained and the proper course of treatment. With our Dallas based doctors are helping you to feel better The Glen law firm will be working tirelessly to find you the maximum benefits and compensation you can’t get. Call us today.

Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer in Dallas, TX

Insurance companies have many attorneys on payroll or retainer. They have these attorneys in order to save them, the insurance company, as much money as possible. They know every loophole and tactic in order to compensate you as little as possible for your accident involving a trucking company. They might try and offer you a early settlement that is undervalued, they may try and bully you from walking away from your claim or into taking much less than you deserve. The good news is, at The Glen Law Firm, we know exactly how to handle the tactics of these cooperate attorneys. We cannot be bullied or manipulated by their tactics and strategies.

Dallas Personal Injury Attorneys Open 24 Hours

If you have been involved in a tracking/18-wheeler accident, you should not deal with it on your own. You need to call The Glen Law Firm in order to receive the highest quality representation you can have. We will not rest until you case in completed and you have received the largest compensation you deserve. Please give us a call today to discuss the specifics if your accident and we can start to build the proper road to your recovery and maximum compensation today.

Insurance Companies Fight Harder When Facing Large Injury Settlements

Insurance companies know when there is an accident involving a big rig, there is a much higher likelihood of serious injuries being sustained. These insurance companies want to dispose of the claim as quickly and as cheaply as possible. They understand that when serious injuries have occurred, that they are liable for a potential large settlement. When they know there is a potential for a large settlement, they will pour resources into the claim in order to try and pay you or your loved one as little as possible. Insurance companies are going to dig in and fight as hard as they can to NOT pay you what your claim is worth. That’s where The Glen Law Firm can help you. Insurance companies know that The Glen Law Firm is going to fight for your rights and compensation. We are not afraid to go toe to toe with the large insurance companies and fight for every penny you claim is worth.

Insurance companies will want to take your statement as close to the accident as possible and later down the road they may even want to take your deposition or examination under oath. Many times the insurance company are taking these statements in order to find inconsistencies or holes in your story of how the accident happened so they can try and pay you less or even at times not pay you at all. This is why it’s important to seek legal help and representation before you talk to the insurance company as an experienced attorney will not allow the insurance company to trap you into making statements that may effect the outcome and monetary value of your claim. If you have recently been in an accident and suffered property damage and or physical injury contact the Glen Law Firm as soon as possible so we can help protect you from the games insurance companies play.

Commercial Trucking Companies Have Big Pockets and Hire Big Time Injury Lawyers

Commercial trucking companies make a lot of money and spend a lot of resources on insurance. A good amount of those resources are paid to corporate attorneys whose sole purpose is to save the trucking company money and pay you as little as possible if you were involved in a trucking accident. They are not afraid to spend money in order to intimidate you and try and force you into a lowball settlement.

At The Glen Law Firm, we know exactly how to deal with the deep pockets of insurance companies and can handle any type of plan they may have. We are not afraid to take them head-on and fight for the highest compensation you deserve. It is incredibly important to not take on these insurance companies alone, so please contact our experienced staff right away so we can start fighting for you.

We Fight for Maximum Compensation and a Quick Settlement

Many times when you are involved in a truck/18 wheeler accident, the insurance company likes to drag their feet or prolong the claims process in order to have you lose interest or fun out of funds trying to fight them with your claim. When you hire The Glen Law Firm, the insurance companies know we are in it for the long haul and will fight them to the very end. Many time, when they see that The Glen Law Firm is involved in the claim, the insurance company knows  that they should make their best offer upfront because they know how hard our attorneys fight for you, and they know its in their best interest to settle early and not waste time and resources fighting The Glen Law Firm as they know we will not rest until we get you the maximum compensation you deserve. Contact us today and let us deal with the headache and process of navigating the insurance company to the largest compensation you deserve.

Were Not Afraid to Go to Trial if we Have to

At The Glen Law Firm, we are not afraid to take your claim all the way to trial. Sometimes you may run into a insurance company or claim representative who cannot let your claim go. With our experienced team of attorneys and legal staff, we are willing and able to take your claim all the way to trial. We know how to navigate filings, evidence, and any surprises trial may bring. We will be ready and prepared for all aspects of your trial and can handle any curve ball the cooperate insurance attorneys may throw our way. At The Glen Law Firm, we are not interested in taking the easy way out, we are ready to take your claim all the way to trial if need be. Please give us a call today to discuss your case today and allow us to let you know how we can help you with your case.

Our Dallas Commercial Truck Accident Attorneys Charge No Upfront Fees

At The Glen Law Firm, we will not charge you any upfront fees or retainers. We are so confident in our legal expertise, that we know if we take on your case, we will be able to get you the greatest amount of compensation you deserve. We are not concerned with “billable” hours but we are concerned with giving you or your loved one the best legal representation you can get.


We Service All of North Texas Counties – Learn More About the Cities We Help Accident Victims in Below

Hurt in an accident? Need information about your potential rights to financial compensation? Read below to learn more about our law firm. Our personal injury lawyers service all of North Texas. We can even come to you if you are too hurt to come to us.

North Texas Injury Lawyers

Cities in North Texas We Service

At The Glen Law Firm, we do not just service clients in Dallas, we can take on cases and claims in many cities close to Dallas such as Plano, Irving, Fort Worth, Richardson, Addison, Frisco, and Arlington are just a few examples. No matter if you are traveling to Dallas or any of these cities, The Glen Law Firm can handle any type of trucking accident you many have been involved in. Our in house attorneys and legal staff are ready to start working on you claim and develop a strategy to maximize you total compensation and recovery process.

Plano Truck Accident Lawyers

At The Glen Law Firm, we can service any of you truck accident needs in Plano Texas. In 2022, Plano, TX had a population of 285,000 people which is about a 1 percent increase in population from 2021. Plano is also a widely travel city whether you are going into Downtown Dallas or visiting one of the surrounding areas. With a population so large and the commercial business in the area, many trucks and 18 wheelers can be seen in Plano which makes it a higher probability you may be involved in a accident with a truck. Whether is property damage only or if you have sustained a bodily injury, you should contact The Glen Law Firm for all your truck accident needs.

Prosper Truck Accident Lawyers

Prosper, Texas has a  population of 42,598 as of January 2024The average household income in 2021 was $153,777 per resident. The median property value in 2022 was $621,200 .Each household on average had two cars per family The average commute time was just over 32 minutes in each direction. If you get into a trucking accident, please contact The Glen Law Firm immediately, so we can start working on your case right away and insure you the largest settlement possible.   

Celina Truck Accident Lawyers

Celina, Texas is a town located in Collin County. Per Celina had a population of just over 21,000 people in 2022, with a average age of approximately 36 and  household income of just over$142,000. The population of Celina, TX grew by 30% between 2021 and 2022, and its average household income increased by just under 13%. With the rapid growth on Celina means more cars and trucks on the road which may lead to additional accidents. At The Glen Law Firm, we can handle anytime of accident you may have been involved in in Celina. Contact us today

Call a Dallas Car Truck Accident Injury Lawyer Now

At the Glen law Firm, we know every in and out of car and truck accidents. We can represent you or a loved one in every aspect of your case and we want to know every detail of your case. Please contact us today to have a free consultation with one of our experienced track accident attorneys, so we can develop the best game plan for your case in order to secure the largest compensation you can get.